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Surging Corona, Fleeing Hospitals and Sleeping Government

Nilam Kumar Ojha

Nilam Kumar Ojha

Surging Corona, Fleeing Hospitals and Sleeping Government

Covid-19 pandemic has now become almost out of control in Nepal. In the last seven days, the death tally unprecedentedly went up being 225 deaths on Tuesday preceded by 168 deaths today on Wednesday. Most of the deaths are reported as happened due to the lack of oxygen. Among 101 thousand 634 active cases, the Ministry of Health and Population has presented the data showing 94 thousand 343 staying in home isolation and only 7 thousand 291 in institutional isolations. However, most of the hospitals in the valley have issued notices informing that they will not admit any more patients because of the shortage of oxygen. 

In such a devastating situation, the avtivities of the government of Nepal seem as if nothing new were happening there in the nation, or as if everything were going intact. Effective efforts of the government undertaken to prevent and control the pandemic are yet to be visible, when at least a citizen is meeting to death every 10 seconds due to the corona virus infection. This has led people to realize that there is not any government of people in Nepal.

Previous to the latest hike in infection rate in Nepal, the government did not give any priority to controlling the pandemic.  However, how could hospitals get to avoid their fundamental duty and responsibility of providing health services to people? But it happened. Unfortunately, despite co-operating with the government and its different bodies to make additional arrangements in order to deal with increasing impact of the pandemic, hospitals have started to escape from their basic responsibilities during such a deadly crisis. 

Today on 29 Basakh, Green City, Manmohan and Grandi Hospitals pasted notices on their gates stating that they would not be able to admit any new patient due to the shortage in the supply of oxygen. Earlier to this, several others, including Madhyapur Hospital, had stopped admitting new patients. From this scenario, one can now guess that almost all the hospitals in and outside the Kathmandu valley will soon shut doors. And, we are all to experience the situation then, perhaps, which has never been tasted before. 

It is worthy to remember the time soon after the second phase of the pandemic had hit India; Nepal was relaxed then. At that time, Nepalese politicians were punishing, abusing and spitting each other open-heartedly. In the mid of Baisakh, when India had already dived into the terrible impact of this pandemic, people of different countries had been using the route of Nepal while heading to their destination. The government of Nepal did not notice that. It did not care about the open boarder with India even after observing the fainting impact of the virus in India. The government did not think about alternatives to hospitals considering that this situation would come one day. Therefore, complaints with high velocity rush to the main body of the nation, the government.

If the supreme body of the nation does nothing more than some ritualistic activities, then, the body's existence is equal to none. Multiple examples of this bitter fact are present everywhere. One can witness a number of innocent Nepalese people dying on footpath outside the gate of  hospitals just due to the shortage of oxygen.

The first phase of the corona pandemic had comparatively less impact on Nepal. When the second phase began, experts had warned that the Indian variant was more powerful and more hazardous. But the Nepalese politicians, who consider themselves to be rulers, were so much engaged in political tussle that the issues like corona pandemic were just nothing significant or never worthy enough even to discuss seriously. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli himself generalized the virus and spelled several jokes about the unprecedented little killing machine . While the whole world was making one after another strategy to deal with the virus, our government and leaders were misusing their absolute energy to fight down their rivals. And so, this situation has dropped in our hands as a result.

Now, most of the hospitals have closed doors even for serious patients. When hospitals do not take admission, it is amazing, where do sick people have to visit? Or, does the government, as well as hospitals, want people to die at home? People are confused and they are eager to know answer.

Yes, everybody knows that the Covid-19 crisis is a worldwide problem and only Nepal could not remain clean from the severe impact of the disease. But, the government could at least try its best to minimize the strength of the problem. Neighbouring country India had declared roughly 10 percent of its national budget to fight with Covid-19. USA and other developed countries took necessary steps all about unemployment, health crisis, food supply, and other aspects basically related to their people. But, what our government dug during the period was internal struggles, unnecessary tussles and dirty political activities. Neither the ruling party nor any others remained in the opposition had ears and eyes to hear and see the cry of the upcoming critical situation of the whole nation. And today, too, they are unchanged.

On the other hand, some other bodies, including The Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce, seem as if they were hidden behind the curtain during such a natural havoc treading almost all the aspects of the nation. So many political parties with their brother, sister, mother, father ect. organizations exist here, however, none of them have stood with the Nepalese people to contribute a single blow against the virus. 

Therefore, the time has come particularly for the Nepalese people to fight alone against the little demon. The time has indicated us all towards becoming fearless and punching the virus with appropriate foods and drinks. The pandemic has enveloped us all in its impact, and each of us is compelled to fight alone and defeat the virus on our own. As experts say proper meal with fearlessness can help us defeat the virus. So, without worrying with whatever the government or hospitals or other bodies have done or not done, it is perhaps better to make oneself physically as well as mentally stronger than ever before. Our grandfather said, 'You will have a chance to win until you surrender to your enemy'. Corona virus disease is now our common enemy. Let's try our best to defeat it.





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