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30 injured in bus-truck collision



30 injured in bus-truck collision

Thirty people have been injured when a bus and a truck collided at Chaudhakilo on the Narayangadh-Muglin road section. The mishap happened on a bridge at Chaudhakilo, Bharatpur Metropolitan City-29. 

The bus (Ra 18 Kha 2236) heading towards Muglin from Narayangadh and the truck (Na 6 Kha 4942) coming from the opposite direction collided with each other on the bridge, the District Police Office Chitwan said.

Among those injured in the accident, the driver and one other person is said to be in serious condition while the others have received minor injuries, it is said. 

Eighteen of the injured including the drivers are undergoing treatment at the Old Medical College while the rest of the injured are being treated at Chitwan Medical College.



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